How to take care of yourself and its remedies in winter2

In winter, many people fall prey to some disease due to lack of attention.  It is very important to take care of your body in winter.  Many people become sick due to cold.  

Different types of diseases start to grow.  This post is going to tell you how to take care of yourself in winter, and its remedies are also going to tell you.  

In the winter, soon we get some disease or something, we can remedy this disease by taking measures on our own.

There is an advantage in winter where people also take advantage of it.  That is, they use it.  Just like gym people do more in winter because of this, the body develops more in winter.  And the food is more in winter, due to which health increases.  And the body starts developing.

What should we do in winter :

We should wake up early in the morning and do yoga.  It is important to stay fit in winter. Yoga starts warming up in our bodies. And the body remains perfectly fit.  

Gyming in Shirdi is also very important. Because of this, the growth of the body has shown a rapid effect. 

It should be run in winter, it opens the body completely and feels fit throughout the day.  Good morning, 

you should drink green vegetable juice and always eat green vegetables in food. It gives vitamins to our body and it develops well.  In winter, drink boiled water at night, and drink ginger tea, add some turmeric tea to it. If you eat bitter gourd, Nim juice, it will be better in winter.

What should we not do in winter  :

There are a lot of things that we should not use in winter.  Winter, you have to stay away from cold things.  

For example, do not consume ice cream, do not consume cold water, it increases the symptoms of a cold.  If you do not have to eat sour at all in winter, it is better to stay away.  

Eating less amount of oil in food can cause a problem in your throat.  Always take bath in hot winter.  

Do not use more cream in winter.  And the hair has to be applied oil, this will keep the hair soft.  

Eating simple food in winter will be much better.  So these were the measures to avoid the cold, you have to take care of it.