Ways to prevent hair loss :

Hair loss has become a common practice nowadays, its problem is increasing.  People of all ages have to face this problem.  Our hair starts falling because we are not able to take special care of them, attention should be given to the hair in the beginning, so our hair starts falling well.  Lack of blood in the body, lack of vitamins, weakness or different types of oil soaps: fried food causes our hair to fall more. You can stop these hair fall yourself, they can also treat it with home remedies and free.

Hair fall

It is necessary to exercise daily :

You have to exercise for five minutes every day, by exercising, the cure of all diseases is sweet.  You have to do Kapal Bharti Yoga because of this our body process is good.  The flow of blood also starts to increase and by this, the hair also remains strong.  Yoga exercises make hair very strong and healthy, so it is important to do yoga.

Do not use hair outside product :

Hair mostly starts falling from these waste products, the kind of products we apply to our hair.  Therefore, it has a harmful effect on hair.  And hair starts breaking, so do not place any outside chemical product.

Follow home remedies :

To prevent hair fall from you, prepare powder of amla by roasting the powder of the gooseberry, also mix both the gooseberry powder and the mushroom powder with water.  After that, apply it on hair and let it dry for half an hour, then clean it well, you have to apply it for one month.  Then see, your hair will stop falling and your hair will become very strong.

Drink amla water :

You should mix Amla powder with water at night and cover it and leave it like that, then wake up in the morning and drink empty stomach, this will keep your stomach clean.  And digestive power will also improve weakness and hair will be strong.  And will become thicker and longer.

These two things have been told to you, this is the perfect use for hair, your hair will not flag at all and the hair will become long and thick and the remedies that you have made.  Doing this every day will make your hair fall problem worse.  Eat homemade food, use more green vegetables; Shampoo should not apply different products and do yoga and exercise daily.  Then see, your hair will stop falling and you will feel good.